Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee - Agenda and Meeting Attachments
Page 23 of the Meeting Attachments in Business Unit Delivery
My calculations indicate that the remaining $764,777 in the Actuals column will not be enough to continue to pay 18.1 Full time staff (FTE). The Report is for July - September 2021. There is a substantial gap. There is still another 9 months to go. There is a lack of transparency on the figures presented.
Q.1 Please explain why the figures are not accurate.
The Capital and Operating Projects columns are meaningless without a context for the projects and the figures.
Q.2 What improvements can I expect in the next quarterly report?
2. Page 33 of the Meeting Attachments Community Development
The Actuals column does not have any figures which significantly impacts the interpretation of the information.
Q.3 Please explain, how we got to these figures?
The third last paragraph describes activities in the Leisure Center. I am concerned that $19,000 was taken out of the Leisure Center Disinfectant System and $30,000 was taken out of the Purchase Leisure Center Pool Blanks and $16,000 was taken out of the Design and Construct – Arts Center Sewer.
A total of $65,000 from already tight budgets. These budget adjustments are reported separately on page 23 of the FPOL Agenda.
Please provide assurance that the Leisure Centre pools are not a health and safety risk.
4. Page 39 of the Meeting Attachments City Design and Projects
Paragraph 2 …”The Fremantle Park and Leisure Centre Masterplan has completed preliminary scenarios which is sufficient to write the brief for the Business Case. We anticipate that this will be presented to Council in March 2021 for review. I assume that we can expect the business case in March 2022.
Q4. What controls are used to ensure that information is correctly presented?
The level of accuracy is a concern and the reason why I voted against the Officer's Recommendation. The questions have been forwarded to the CEO.