Would you pay an account that itemises the costs with generic names for the items purchased. I won’t pay it. I may assume that someone was playing a practical joke.
As Fremantle ratepayers we have paid $570,967 to a Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors 1-16 in the last financial year 2020/21. No names, just numbers and itemised expenses.
Why is the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors 1-16 not identified? My question was taken on notice and I am still waiting for an answer. If we are serious about transparency, then just be honest with the ratepayers.
The following information was presented at the FPOL Committee meeting on the 9th March 2022.
FPOL2203-3 DRAFT ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2021-22 should be 2020-2021 the The year is incorrect.
Meeting Attachments Document - information related to this document.
Page No 2/77 Index – Independents Auditors Report (IAR)
Page 67/77 36 – Financial Ratios – No independent Auditors Report
Page 68/77 BLANK PAGE
Page 69/77 36 – Financial Ratios – No Independent Auditors Report
I can’t find the draft Independent Auditors Report. I assume the blank page is where the Draft Report would have been located. The Draft Report is important because it provides context for the interpretation of the information contained in the Draft Annual Financial Statements. Without the (DIAR) I am left to draw conclusions which may be incorrect or misleading and this is not helpful. One could be mischievous and draw the conclusion that information is being deliberately held back.
Page 24/77 9 – Property Plan Equipment
Work In Progress $52,153,472
Please provide a detailed break down of the WIP projects up to 30/06/2021
Page 44/77 23- Capital Commitment
Capital Expenditure Commitment
Capital expenditure projects $11,764,357 to be spent in the next 12 months
There is a list of projects on the page. Can you please place a dollar value on each item so that we know how the expenditure is distributed?
Page 30/77 11 – Fixed Assets (depreciation)
2021 2021 2020
Actual Budget Actual
9,852,650 7.850,958 6,895,565
Can you please provide details for the $2m disparity between the actual and budget figures?
Page 44/77 23- Capital Commitment
Capital Expenditure Commitment
Capital expenditure projects $11,764,357 to be spent in the next 12 months
There is a list of projects on the page. Can you please place a dollar value on each item so that we know how the expenditure is distributed?
Page 45/77 24 - Elected Member Remuneration
The ratepayers have paid out $570,967 for the elected members remuneration for 30/06/2021.
Why is the Mayor and Councillors 1-16 not identified? If we are serious about transparency, then we need provide the information. What number am I???
Council note
1. the draft financial statements for the City of Fremantle for the financial year ending 30 June 2021.
2. the completion of the audit by the Office of Auditor General due in late March 2022, after which the final statements will be formally presented for adoption with the City of Fremantle Annual Report.
Given my feedback on the financials in the Meeting Document, and the Agenda Pages 14-20 which once again lacks context for me to support the Officer’s recommendation.
Voted not to support the recommendation.